Link Galway

Café //  Bakery // Catering // Inclusive

Fresh From Galway.

Food with Heart since 1990.

delicious since 1990

skills training

Baked in House

café & catering

Cafe Link is a social enterprise operating in Galway City since 1990 providing inclusive employment opportunities to people with intellectual disabilities. We already employ seven people with intellectual disabilities and have fourteen trainees at our culinary skills training centre, some of which, will be gaining employment through our new venture. 

Café Link.

Café Link is a social enterprise operating in Galway City since 1990 providing inclusive employment opportunities to people with intellectual disabilities. We already employ seven people with intellectual disabilities and have fourteen trainees at our culinary skills training centre, some of which, will be gaining employment through our new venture.

Find us on Newcastle Road, Shantalla, Galway

Note: The Link premises on 5a/5b Sandy Road is for pickup of  pre-ordered bakery items only.
Follow us on facebook or instagram below for the latest updates!

Catering. Culinary Training & Employment.

Link Galway CLG is excited to announce the launch of our bakery and catering business which will complement our already established cafe which is open to the public at 25 Newcastle Road by the Shantella Clinic.
Our fresh bakes have already started to arrive at the cafe over the past couple of weeks which will be ramped up leading up to Christmas.
This new project is supported through our funding partner Rethink Ireland.

Bakery and cakes made to order

Are you a Galway City based business or running an event requiring catering? Please contact or phone 085 721 4803 (9am-3pm)
We are also taking bakery and cake orders which can be made to order.

Link Galway

CAFÉ LINK Location

Café Link, 25 Newcastle Rd, Galway
Phone 091 546358

LINK Bakery Pickup

For pickup of  bakery orders only:

Café Link, 5A/5B Sandy Road, Newcastle, Galway
Phone 091 770310


Fresh Mon-Friday : 8.30am-4pm
Delicious Food // Coffee // Fresh Baking // 
